Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Week in Review

This has been a wild and crazy week. No pictures to this one since I either forgot the camera or there wasn't anything to take pictures with. We survived the wiggly tooth adventure.

Next came the last week of school. Rylee attended her Math Facts Pajama Party and watch The Princess and the Frog, ate a slice pizza. I think the hype was better than the actual party. Wednesday was the Second Grade Swim Party. Each child had to read 300 minutes to attend. Everyone was able to go. Thursday, was the last day of school. They had to clean their room and get it ready to be painted. She brought home her class assignment for next year. Her expression was priceless. She didn't get the teacher she wanted. She wanted Mrs. Karati, because she takes Karate. Instead she has Mrs. Slack a newer teacher to our school. We are still waiting for Reganne's letter.

Saturday arrived full of plans for making crafts. Our first stop was Lowe's to make a race car. As we were waiting in line. A boy beside us began to throwup. Rylee noticed first and refused to move. I noticed second and looked around for a parent to help him. He continued and nobody came to his rescue. Everyone else was in shock and watched. We got our projects and left.

Next stop was Michael's and make a card project. The teacher had a family emergency in Enterprise (30 minutes away) The manager gave us our project to take home.

So much for having a morning of fun projects. We took them home and here they sit. Maybe today.

Movie night was Disney's Three Muskateers and chocolate rice crispy treats. They were good, but a word of advice don't use old marshmellows. When will I ever learn.

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