Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Summer Nights

Ryder is the easiest child to put to bed. By 8:30 pm each night he is ready for bed. He wants his blanket, water, rocked, and sing Follow the Prophets. He then climbs in his bed without another sound. The long summer nights are here and this is what I discovered when I checked on him later.

Is that Ryder or Elmo?
All his Elmo's were there and tucked in. Books, trucks, and stuffed animals. I moved most everything out so he could sleep. The next morning he called me to come and get him. He was smiling up at me and said "See my trucks" he had moved all the trucks back into his bed.

I am amazed at how they all manage to sleep with all that stuff in their beds. I know they eventually grow out of this phase. Rylee did. Reganne's is still full.

1 comment:

Susan said...

Hey that's how I used to sleep. I hated clearing off my bed so I would just slid in.