Sunday, May 20, 2018

The Golden Goggles Banquet

We are still learning a lot about this crazy sport called swimming.  First off their are two season short & long course.  When the short course ends its now the end of the swim year.  Golden Goggles Banquet is were awards are handed out for the last year.  It was also a potluck dinner for all the families.  It was packed with swimmers, coaches, parents, and siblings.  The room was packed.

I received an email asking us to be there.  Ryder was getting an award of some kind.  I had completed a survey so I knew he should be getting a scholar pin for good grades.  Dave took the night off so he could be there and enjoy the fun night.  The food was yummy and such a variety.

We are full!!!
Let's get the show on the road.
They had a fun presentation full of pictures of the kids during the various meets, fun practices, and other activities through out the year.   It was now time for awards.  They read the list of state competition team which included Ryder for Junior Olympics.  Next came the list of swimmers who completed their IMX.  Then came the Scholar Pin Award with kids having a 4.0 or equivalent in elementary school.  Last awards were the Team MVPs.  Each coach picked the person on their team who they felt had worked hard over the year.

Ryder was tired and ready to head home.  I reminded him that we needed to stay to congratulate whomever the winner was on his team.  You know Mom it's not me so we can head home.  I asked him to have patience and wait.  It was his teams turn with Coach Becca.  

We were all in shock as she called out Ryder's name as the MVP for the WCCC Royals I Team.  He was shocked and a little dazed.  He made it up to get his trophy with a large smile on his face.

Royals I MVP

IMX Certificate

Scholar Pin

MVP Award
It was a fun night and most of all a surprising night.  We are so proud of him and all his hard work.  Coach Becca praised him for continuing to work hard at each practice.  His willingness to help others on the team and overall friendliness to everyone.

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