Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Annual Kite Festival

This year I didn't have to keep track of Ryder's reading sheet for the Kite Festival.  Instead his teacher kept them until the very last day in hopes that they wouldn't get lost but make it to be turned in for prizes.  We filled it in, signed it, and almost forgot to take it with us.  It was a perfect afternoon to fly kites, eat treats, and play games.

He picked books again this year.

I can do that!!!
It's easy!!! Watch!! 
Maybe not so easy.
He had fun anyway playing the games and earning treats.  He even had a few from swim team come and congratulate him on his award from the night before.  He was surprised that people were stopping him.  We had our bag of treats, flyers, and even a few prizes it was time to head home.  

It was also time to relax at the movie theater for some family time.  This week's movie was I Can Only Imagine with Dennis Quaid.  It was a good movie and one that I would definitely recommend seeing  If not in the theater then renting it.  Why does popcorn smell & taste so good in the theater but not so much on the ride home?

Ryder's class only turned in 4 sheets at the Kite Festival.  So much for Mrs Young's theory.

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