Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Watch This....

Push ups

How many times to you hear this each and every day?  Too many to count if you have kids.  Sunday morning is our lazy time with church not starting until 1:30.  While getting breakfast Ryder yelled for me to count how many laps he made around the room.  He didn't like the number I came up with so he yelled again that he was going to exercise.  I glanced up as he was trying to do sit ups.  He tried a few more times and then said watch this...I grabbed my camera and snapped 5 year old push ups   Too bad this didn't capture the motion of up and down or rather snake like motion.  He is mister activity today besides these moves he has went on a bike ride, played in the backyard.  He now smells like a sweaty boy.  Do I have to shower?  You smell!!! It's sweat not pee.  You only have to shower on Sunday if you pee.

I love his logic!!!!!

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