Sunday, March 31, 2013

Early Easter Egg Hunt

Each year the kids look forward to the SkyWest Easter Egg Hunt.  Each year its a race to get there before it ends.  This hunt lasts about 15 minutes if you are lucky.  We were prepared this year and made it with time to spare.

Ryder found his friend Colton with his sister Chloe.
Rylee was a good sport and jumped into the picture.
A surprise guest...The Easter Bunny.
My camera died just as he gave the kids a treat.  I almost forgot about my phone and it saved the day.
10:00 everyone GO!!!!!
Where did Ryder go?
There his is going at his own pace and not getting many eggs.  
He hates the pushing and shoving.  Slow and steady is his pace in a group.
Let's find the sisters.
There they are looking for that very last egg.
They each had a basket full and wanted to keep looking in case they missed something.

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