Sunday, March 10, 2013

Good Kids

We have pretty amazing kids and it doesn't hurt to brag about them once in a while.  This week during early outs, parent teachers, and Morning with Moms came the book fair.  This is a crazy time when 100 kids + parents push into the small room next to the lunch room to grab for books they want.  They sweeten it by offering buy one get one free to entice you into the room.  The kids are all for it, but the parents hang back trying to avoid it.  Rylee had saved her money to buy the ones she wanted.  Reganne wanted to get one and found a Dog Diary.  I reminded her that it needed to be a reading book.  "But Mom, Rylee has a lot of diaries, why can't I?"  My reply was what diaries does she have?  "Diary of a Wimpy Kids books"  lucky for me she didn't push harder but went and found a book she wanted.  

Reganne then noticed that Rylee had two books.  "Can I have two?"  I told her if she could find one she liked.  A few minutes later she came back with a princess book.  Reganne, you don't like princess books?  No, but Frankie does was her reply.  Mom, Frankie can't get a book can I get this one for her?  What am I going to say? No?  Off we went to the register, paid, and sent them off to class.

Ryder is getting to be a very smart boy.  But sometimes thing come out just a little mixed up that makes you go HUH???

On the way home from school he asked me for a Gorilla Bar since he was starving.  Huh?  Do you mean a Granola Bar?  Yes Mom (with the look of disgust that I didn't hear right).  

Family movie night can we watch Floor?  Who? you know Floor that guy with the hammer.  Thor?  again with the look of disgust that I didn't hear him right.

Testimony meeting today Rylee was begging everyone to go with her.  When she asked Ryder, No way that is scary.  I will whisper in your ear what to say.  No he replied how about I whisper in your ear and then sit down.  After going back and forth for awhile time ran out.  Maybe next month.

Time for a new pet??? Rylee want's a chick like her friend Bailey.  So cute and small.  Mom, we won't have to pay for eggs when it gets older.  She even promised to take care of it each day.  Nope was my reply we have fish & a dog that is enough for now.

They make me glad to be their mom and eager for what's next even if they wear me out.

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