Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring Break 2013

This year spring break was going to be pretty boring.  The girls went with Ryder to A Child's World to play with friends from summer camp.  Each day they visited a different park and played until they dropped.  Friday finally arrived with a trip to grandma's house to visit everyone.  Dave had to stay and work so the kids and I were on our own.  Off we went with the van packed and ready to go.  We made it as far as Beaver then Ryder had to go to the bathroom.  We stopped for a potty break and treats.  We made it to Fillmore and he wanted to stop again.  This time I said nope and continued to drive.  Between asking what town we were in and if we were almost to grandma's I was ready to be done.

YEAH!!!! we made it by lunch time just as planned.  Bryan, Becca, Quincy, Bear, and Vader came over after lunch and it was time to play.  Ryder wasn't sure who Quincy was since he was walking or running around.

Hugs all around.
Mom, look what I found.
Oops how did that happen?
He pulled the suitcase down the stairs without falling.

Everyone was tired and ready for bed early, but trying to convince them to get their pj's on was another story.  I was pooped and by 10:00 everyone was in bed if not asleep.

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