Sunday, September 30, 2012

Soccer Saturday: Game 4

This week Soccer Saturday started later than usual.  Reganne's game didn't start until 12:00.  We had time for lunch before starting out.  However, the downside to starting later was the heat.  It was 90 degrees without any breeze or shade around.  Except man made shade from the umbrella's all around the fields.  I really need to get one big enough for the whole family.  The tiny ones only encourage fighting and trying to poke each others eyes out.

This week the Angel's were down one player so fewer rests periods.  The whistle blew and they were off and running.
 More running....
 Kicking of course
 Goal protecting...Reganne's job most of the game.  
Great foot work...Reganne has really improved controlling the ball with her feet.  

There were no calls this week for using hands.  However, the goal Reganne scored was into the wrong net.  She was upset but kept right on playing.  Before half time one more player was out sick.  Thank goodness snack was grapes.  The girls all gulped down and playing resumed.  I believe the score was tied, but who knows.  They played hard and had fun.

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