Sunday, September 2, 2012

Sand Hollow + Boat = Fun

We have been waiting for a good Saturday to take everyone to the lake.  Our weather has been really flaky the last couple of weeks.  There are either black clouds and lightening in the morning or late afternoon.  Then out of nowhere it starts raining.  Those big drops that can drench you in a matter of minutes.  SURPRISE!!!  we woke up to sun and bright blue skies.  We were off before something changed.

 No Wake Zone... Why can't we go faster?
 We want to go faster!!!  Hold on here we go...
 Time to get wet...everyone jump in!!
 I did it...It's not cold....I'm not lying.
WHAT!!!! I thought you said it wasn't cold?

So much for playing in the water they wanted to try something else.

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