Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Soccer Spring: Game 5 vs Yellow Thunder

Soccer Saturday started with an interesting twist.  Ryder's coach had to work so the assistant coach he asked me to step in and coach the game.  This could have be extremely funny to those who know me and how athletic I am.  I told him sure how hard can it be with four year olds?  Lucky for me there was a mother subbing for the Yellow Thunder Team that was easy going and we started to play.  With only two players we swapped players.  Ryder even played most of the game.

 Kick Off
 Throw In
 Kick the ball
 Throw in
Where is the ball?

The boys were hot, sweaty, and tired, but hung in there until the end.  Mom saved the day again with extra treats in my cooler.  If the smiling sweaty boys were anything judge by I didn't do to bad coaching my first game.

One game left in the season anything could happen.

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