Saturday, May 26, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

My three reasons to celebrate Mother's Day!!!  Being their Mother, Mom, Mommy is the best job I could have and all the craziness that they bring with them.

 The best Mother's Day gifts hand made from the heart.
 KFC + The Park = Relaxing Lunch
 Playing in the water and catching dragon flies
It's Cold

It was a perfect day for a picnic in the park.  No clean up required even more perfect.  This a great tradition we started 5 years ago with the girls.  Now if only a nap was in the picture but they let me sleep in instead.  I love being a mother and watching these three grow every day.


Becca B said...

I love your post. Also I had to comment because the tradition of KFC on mothers day was one in my family too. We did that for as long as I can remember. My mom loved it as well.

Susan said...

I was able to get a nap on Mother's Day -- probably only because I was sick this year. Even so it was very much appreciated!