Saturday, May 19, 2012

4th Grade Mother's Day Concert

Rylee brought home a special invitation to a Mother's Day Concert that the fourth grade had been working on for most of the year.  I asked her if Dad could come with me and the answer was no it was for Mother's Day so only Mom's were invited.  Surprise some Dad's did show up, she reminded me that they were not invited.

The program started with the kids marching in all in their Sunday Best.  WOW!! how grown up they all looked.  They found their places and waited for the teachers to start.  They all started playing their recorders.

Even with all those kids+records they sounded pretty good and followed along and even more impressive stopped when directed.  The poems were perfect and ended with a perfect song for all the mothers.  They were then dismissed to bring treats to their mothers and a special gift.

It was the perfect was to start celebrating Mother's Day.

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