Wednesday, May 2, 2012

2012 Kite Festival

After soccer we were off to the Kite Festival for more fun in the sun.  The girls were so excited to finish the reading program and be included in the drawing for an iPad.  So were all the other children in the county.  I left my camera at home and so I tried out my new cell phone camera.  Well so much for pictures coming out the right way between the camera and new blogging feature.  Tilt your head to the right for the correct angle and then you will feel like I did by the end tilting to the right, hot, sticky, and sweaty.
The train ride.. The main reason we couldn't miss this event.

 Playing the kids games..Reganne golfing
 Rylee golfing
 Look at me...I am now taller than the club.
Good throw!

It was 6:00 by time we hit the bus line to return to the parking lot.  The hot, sweaty, sticky feeling turned into Muddy feeling as the bus slowed down and stopped in a cloud of dust.  We were headed home for showers, pizza, and movie night in that order.

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