Thursday, January 6, 2011

Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam!!

Ryder is officially a Sunbeam in Jr. Primary. He isn't the youngest or the smallest, but close. We have talked all week about him going to big primary. So much for preparing him. He didn't want to go or stay. The teachers were running late and the presidency were helping children find their classes. I sat down with the sunbeams and waited. Primary started and as I looked down the row of kids there were 7 kids and 5 adults. I handed Ryder over to his teacher Sis. Schembeck and walked out. He did great and stayed. We asked him what he did in his new class? Ate crackers, colored, and got a drink.

Ryder + Dad's foot.

Rylee...CTR 8, Reganne... CTR 6, Ryder...Sunbeams

Ryder refused to poise for any pictures today. Dave finally held him down with his foot and quickly snapped one. The girls just had to get into the picture.

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