Sunday, June 7, 2020

The Filming

I have been dragging my fingers on this post for too long.  It won't change the outcome of her graduating or. turning 18.  I just like living in denial as long as I possibly can.  The first event of the graduation season was filming the graduates walking across the stage, having their names called, and passing through the school letters.

Let's get this show on the road...

Ready to go...

First Checkin Spot
Assigned a number.

Finding a spot to wait for our escort.
She found us and we started the procession.

Even nervous she makes it
look so easy.


Last stop & last picture.
She has attitude!!!

The new normal?? Masks
They saved the best for last.  Cookies!!

The line is starting to backup.
We finished in record time.

Cars were backing up.

She is ready to kill me.
I needed one more picture to end the day.
She now needs to finish all her classes and finals.  She will then earn the paper that goes inside.  She was now ready to get out of the monkey suit and hang out with Ben for the rest of the day.  I appreciate the principal & staff for trying to make each one of these kids feel special and make the most of this crazy times.

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