Sunday, June 21, 2020

Virtual Miss St George 2020

The girls were busy working on the pageant in March when the world went crazy.  It came to a screeching halt.  6 weeks later they found a solution of doing it virtually.  The girls met with the judges one at a time for the interview portion.  The talent portion was submitted by video.  The final portion was to be an essay.  The crowning would be held at Seegmiller Farm Park with a lot of fresh air.

Time for the crowning ceremony and it was HOT!!! Inside the barn.  The girls were all there with their parents and the current royalty with parents.  You could feel the tension and excitement.

2019 Royalty
Rylee, Madison, and Ainsley

Royalty & Contestants

Trying to not be nervous

New royalty & contestants

New royalty & Mayor Pike

Crazy girls with
crazy poses.

Congratulating Ainsley!!
First Attendant!!

Final Picture
with their personalized masks.

Masks were required it was so hot that they distanced themselves apart and removed them.  Then the mayor walked in and everyone wasn't sure how he would respond.  Funny thing he didn't have a mask either.  We wished the new girls luck and hoping that they can find fun ways to serve the city this upcoming year.  The little bit I learned about each one they are all amazing.

It has been a fun year for us as a family to support Rylee with the adventure.  We are proud of her and the amazing things that she has been able to do and participate with the group.

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