Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Another Ending....

The school year is officially came to an end.  All the weirdness aside our schools worked hard to make each child feel like they counted.  

First up was SRIS with Ryder being a band student he got to be one of the first to check out.  I was really anxious after the whole bathtub incident.  He passed his instrument inspection with flying colors.  I asked Mrs. Woods if what he did was correct.  She smiled an assured me that if he followed the instructions in her email it was perfect.  I could finally relax.  Next station to visit was the computer checkin (we didn't have anything).  Onto the next step library checkin (he turned in his band music).  Then the finance office (all good).  Then spread out on all the tables were binders, past project, and what I assumed were smiling teachers.  They were all hidden behind masks.  

Last stop!!!
A Crumbl Cookie from the PTA.
All this lasted for 20 minutes.  He is now officially a 7th Grader.

Checkout day for DHMS!!!  No special checkout time instead in alphabetical order.  The last name of Waters we are definitely at the end of the day.  We followed the arrows around the building, through the hallways, to finally arrive at the 9th grade lockers.  We had a little hitch she couldn't remember her combo.  Lucky for us there was a custodian near by with the key.  Unlucky for us it was jammed.  Opened with very little inside besides wrappers and a container of Ranch that looked disgusting!!!  It quickly found it's way into the nearby garbage can.  Next stop was computer & library checkin (no computer & a calculator).  Finance office was next up (nothing).  She got her ticket of her yearbook and we were off to find that stop.  Got it from her Honors Geography teacher who told me what a great student she was and was going to miss her.  The final stop was the cookie table manned by the principal Mrs. Monkers (she is changing schools next year) She greeted Reganne by name and wished her luck next year at the high school. 

Done with middle school!!
high school!!!
Rylee didn't have an official check with being a senior.  If she did I wasn't allowed to go with her.  That would be so embarrassing to be seen with your mom.  Let's hope all her fees have been paid so she can receive her diploma next week.

We did get an email about seminary graduation this year.  No official presentations instead one of the bishopric would be bringing her diploma by with a treat.  We haven't always seen eye to eye on seminary each year.  I do know that she did make some amazing friendships over the past 4 years.

Rylee & Bishop Marchant

Seminary Graduate!!
We are so proud of these kids and all their hard work over the past 8 weeks.  This has not been the easiest of school years but we all survived.  

Bring on graduation!!!

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