Sunday, May 24, 2020

Week 1555??

I guess not but if sure feels like one day is at least a year.  Celebrating birthdays, weddings, funerals, milestones all are difficult to do or to enjoy.  How can you celebrate and be happy when there is so much gloom & doom every where you look.  Here's to another week of finding the little ways to make the days brighter.  Even maybe bring a smile or laughter to our faces or to others.

Birthday flowers
My 54th Birthday was filled with birthday wishes from
friends & family through social media and text messages.
Dave & the kids bought plants for me to enjoy
for the rest of the summer.

Celebrating school assignments.
Ha Ha Ha!!!
Ryder has put his everything into each assignment
I love the responses he has gotten from his teachers
as they recognize his hard work & determination.

Shared this special picture for Mother's Day.
This was the last time all four of us were
on the front porch.
This was once my stage while staying each summer.

Another memory rediscovered.
Grandma Johnson's large jade plant.  I am
going to try and grow this tiny plant into a tree.

Happy Mother's Day to Me.
I colored my hair & wore my soccer uniform.  To
help me believe that all will get better soon.

We went to the park to
eat KFC dinner another memory recreated.
Celebrating can be hard on those struggling with the constant changes, negative attitudes, and just plain grumpiness.  Here's to another week with hopefully easing restrictions, school work coming to an end, and swimming slowly starting up again.

We hope everyone has a better week.  Keep smiling, staying healthy, and finding ways to service each other.

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