Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Fabulous February Finally Ends

Recapping February with a few additional pictures.  I believe I spent more time at various doctor's appointments this month than I did when the kids were little.  Rylee has been suffering from hip pain over the last 4 months.  So much pain that it is hard to sleep, stand, or pretty much be in any one position for long.  Official diagnosis is Bursitis of the hips.  Treatment a series of exercises to loosen her hips and Aleeve for the pain at night.

Selfies while waiting for the doctor.

Crutches & knee brace
for a week.
Official diagnosis a sprained LCL.  Treatment ice, crutches, and a knee brace for a week.  She has been doing better and moving around without crutches.  However, not completely ready to for soccer and all the running.

Winter finally arrives
We are all ready for spring.  However, our wild weather decided we still needed to have a little bit of winter.  The snow arrived in tiny snowballs that covered the ground.  I was amazed that the slush lasted the rest of the day.  It hasn't warmed up yet.

The Beehives & Leaders
We have 20 Beehives and the amazing leaders let them try decorating cakes.  They had so much fun and even invited a couple of friends to join them.  They were all smiles and eager to share their sweet treats.  I do believe that they left more sprinkles in my van than on their cakes.

We are marching onto March with a lot of fun activities to look forward to.

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