Sunday, March 18, 2018

CVE Choir Trimester Concert

It was a no swim night tonight instead it was a choir night.  Good news swim team had to be moved an hour earlier so there was time for both.  The kids were so excited to perform.  I was settled in my seat when I realized I couldn't find Ryder.  A few adjustments in seating and then finally standing up on the side I had a perfect place to watch him.

Peter Piper with actions.

I may need to sew
his pockets closed.
They sounded pretty awesome!!!  It is amazing to watch these kids sing, remember the words, actions, and sound so great.  The concert ended and Ryder was out the door for some food.  We are so proud of him and the hard work he puts into everything he does.  It's also hard to believe that the 3rd Trimester is starting.  The end of the year will be here before I am ready.

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