Sunday, May 29, 2016

Give Me Liberty

Our awesome fifth graders have been working on the Give Me Liberty Program since the beginning of the year.  Reganne's class worked together and completed all the requirements by January.  They have a list of things that need to be completed by the end of the year to attend the bowling party and earn their t-shirt.

We kept asking Reganne if she needed any help with the Gettysburg Address, Presidents, or States & Capitals.  Nope Mrs. V had it under control.  There was only one student that didn't complete the program in time.

Time for the program....

Wave those flags

There is Reganne
surrounded by the boys.
Look at all those kids, 5 classes of 5th Graders

Reciting her part loud and clear.
Reganne & Chey
Awesome job girls

It was a fun night with cookies for a treat.  However, Reganne forgot to get me a cookie as she ran out of the room with her friends.

Only one more week of school and the programs are officially over.  Fun & games for the last 4 days.

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