Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Spring Recital.....Cheerleading

Rylee wanted to try out cheer leading at the rec center.  Each week she gladly went to class but wasn't thrilled that she was the oldest one in the class.  We all heard about the stumbles, tumbles, and spills that happened each week.  I often wanted to check for bruises but instead she laughed at me and reminded me she was on the bottom.  I also wanted to sneak in and watch but she strictly forbid me to come anywhere near the gym.

Surprise!!!! they announced a spring recital to show off all their hard work.  The dance groups were first followed by the cheer leading.  My pictures are really dark but the lighting was really crazy.

They didn't drop her.

All the girls giving a massive hug to their patient teacher.

Rylee & her teacher
After hugs and smiles we were ready to head home and have dinner.  We had to make one stop before heading home as we crossed the bridge cars started slowing down.  Almost stopping in the middle of the road.  Rylee & Ryder started screaming there were deer in field next to the road.  How in the world did they get there?  In a field, in the middle of town, and a long way from the mountains.  Guess we will never know for sure but a picture as proof we weren't dreaming.

Look really close in the center for them.
We weren't the only crazy people taking pictures when we pulled away there were more cars pulling to a stop.  Dave didn't believe us when we got home thank goodness for pictures.

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