Thursday, June 4, 2015

New Season....New Sport

Ryder's new sport is baseball.  He has had to wait patiently for it to start since we decided he should start off with WCCC PeeWee League instead of the more competitive little leagues around town.  We found one downside to this league was finding coaches so guess who became the coach????  Mom who quickly recruited Dad to teach the boys and I would handle the parents.

There was time for only one practice before the first game.  Dave was awesome with the boys patiently teaching them the basics and keeping them from getting hit in the head by the bats.

First game and Dave guiding them patiently.

SAFE on third base.

Do we have all our balls?
Time for a team cheer.
The first game was under their belts and they did pretty good if you channel the "Bad News Bears".  The boys were all smiles and talking a mile a minute.  They had fun, got a treat, and a hat.  Yeah Team McDonald's!!!!

Lucky for us the season is not very long with games on Tuesday & Saturdays all month.

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