Sunday, April 28, 2013

Soccer Spring Season Opener

And what an opener it was.  No coach, no uniform, and three little boys all sitting there patiently waiting for their game to start.  After waiting about 10 minutes it was time to step in or rather up and get the show on the road.  I quickly asked the parents if they were the coach and nope not them.  The other team was ready to start and had three players so we played 3 on 3.  I was the only one willing to step in as the coach and offer some direction.  The whistle blew and off they went.

The soccer dummy was coaching...
They were all smiles, hot sweaty, and really tired.

The game was over and luckily I brought treats for everyone.  Now was the time to figure out what was up.  The coach quit half was through the fall season and there were 3 different colors of blue. I quickly became the coach with an assistant that knows what he is doing.    Phone calls to make, uniforms to organize, and treat schedule to plan.

Time to search the internet and find soccer for dummies.  I learned the basics in about 5 minutes and learned the most important part is to have fun.  Maybe I can do this.

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