Thursday, April 18, 2013

Happy Birthday Week.....Rylee

How many kids get to celebrate for a whole week?  Rylee maybe the only one.  Each year it gets harder to fit in all the celebrating between school activities, Easter, and General Conference.  Rylee begs each year to have a friend party and it never seems to work out with everyone out of town.  School was out on Monday April 1st so a perfect day for a party.  Happy April Fool's Day!!!!

Game & Activity Table Cloth
Those aren't regular gum but sour balls instead.  Weird Easter Leftovers from Walmart.
This kept them entertained for about 10 minutes.
Let's wrap the birthday girl.
They did a great job but who is going to unwrap her?
After a couple of Hulk Smash moves and a little help from her friends she was soon back to normal.
No cake but cupcakes instead.
The main event....Climbing the rock wall.
All the girls loved giving a try and continued to try.

She had a great pre-birthday party.  She also has the makings of a wonderful party planner everything went as planned.  Who knows what will happen next.

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