Thursday, January 31, 2013

Move It Party

In October a wonderful program started at our school and I believe to the whole district as well.  It's the Move It Program for 3rd thru 5th Graders to get moving and get healthy.  The sponsor for the program is Select Health Insurance which is part of Intermountain Health Care or IHC.  This is who provides the majority of our health services in town.  The first month each child could earn a pedometer if they exercised 30 minutes a day for at least 5 days a week.  The second month they were able to earn a water bottle if kept up the 30 minutes of activity a day, but added in drinking plenty of water.  The third month they could earn a surprise if they continued the 30 minutes of activity a day and drink plenty of water.

Each night they diligently marked their calendars and after Christmas break turned them in.  Last week they each came home with a green participation ribbon and an invitation to a swim party.  Our school had the highest participation and earned a night out to get active and swim.  What a great prize the kids loved it.

Not to crowded...Did everyone forget??
Finally, friends from school
Getting active and staying active.

The kids had a great time and didn't want to leave.  Rylee finally went down the large water slide with her friend Abigail.  Reganne had to show us how she could jump off the diving board.  That girl has very little fear and was soon doing flips, spins, other tricks off.  As I sat there and watched them play what better way to get kids active and healthy than by working with the schools & families to promote it and reward their efforts.

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