Thursday, January 17, 2013

Merry Christmas

Who knew that the night would last so long?  The kids all slept in until 7:00 finally Rylee came in and asked if  she could wake everyone up because Santa had come.  They had to wait until Dave and I came out...

This was the site that greeted me...How patient could they be and for how long?
Not very long...Paper began to fly.
Rylee... American Girl Doll Mini
Reganne & her American Girl Doll Mini
Shawn with his iTouch
Christiana with her iTouch
Ryder and clothes... Where are my toys???
Thanks Mom for the pants.
He was amazing stopping after each gift and thanking everyone for that present.  He took about 20 minutes longer than the rest of the kids.  Yet I think he enjoyed is the most.
It's official I am a soccer mom.  I know have an umbrella that will shade us & keep us dry.  I also have a collapsible wagon to put all the gear in to get the fields.    
Wait a minute...Dad's playing with the toys.  His present was outside in the garage.  Slide over Ryder and let Dad have a turn.
After dinner at Black Bear  Diner where the water main broke shortly before we got there.  Amazingly enough they kept it together and had service with a smile.  It was time for more presents with the Wheelers.
Be careful of what you say.  At Thanksgiving while cooking dinner I mentioned I needed to get married again  to get new stuff for my kitchen.  Who knew as I opened my present it would be full of new cooking stuff.  the kids looked at me like I was crazy, but I loved all of it.

What a day months of planning and secrets all ended with smiles.  365 more days until next year.  

1 comment:

Susan said...

I love getting new kitchen stuff. For my birthday I asked Jeff for new mixing bowls. LOL