Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Awesome Sunrise!!!

7:00 am, Tuesday 

Who has time to watch the sun come up during the week?  Most days not me between getting breakfast ready, getting the kids ready for school, and myself ready for work.  All I get time for is to look outside and make sure what the kids need to take with them.  Hats, coats, umbrellas, or maybe just a jacket.

But this morning the kids were all commenting on how pink the sky was.  Each one had their iTouches taking pictures.  Rylee pleaded with me to snap one for her since she was still getting dressed.  As I looked up and around I was amazed at the variety of colors in the sky and how light radiated all around.  I snapped my picture and then paused for a couple of minutes feeling gratitude for the world around me.  It was a great way to start the day.

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