Thursday, August 19, 2010

Washington Country Fair 2010

We love going to the county fair each year. It is a small fair, but full of activities, and a lot of people.

In the agriculture building Reganne spotted the displays of fruit. Look Mom at all these grapes. Can I try some? Oops I forgot to remind her that everything in here was too look at not to touch or taste. Thus, the hands behind her back.

The kids look forward to the FFA Petting Zoo. Ryder wanted to go inside the goat pen with the girls. He was fine until the goats started coming towards him and they were eye to eye. He let out a scream and started to cry. This didn't faze the goat it still moved towards him. Luckily the attendant grabbed him and handed him back to me.

The soft bunnies that could really hop away.

Kick a ball and see how fast you kick.

Face painting one for each cheek. Flower, horses, unicorns, pink race cars, and a John Deer Tractor.

On to the pony rides. After waiting until they saddled up the horse and readjusted everything twice. The pony was ready to go. Reganne chattered the whole time. Rylee smiled and waved. Ryder just grinned from ear to ear.

Reganne chattered the whole ride.

Rylee was all smiles and waves.

Ryder held on tight and grinned from ear to ear.
Rylee was disappointed that she couldn't ride behind him and hold him. The attendants took over and let him ride big boy style.

Everyone had a great time and now it was time to go home and bedtime.

1 comment:

Susan said...

I like going to fairs as well. I especially like looking at the exhibits. People are so talented!