Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas Day 2009

Christmas dawned not so early at our house. They didn't wake up until almost eight o'clock. I was up first and was able to have peace and quiet to read. When Reganne finally came upstairs the wonder and amazement that Santa really had come and brought presents in her eyes was priceless.

It didn't take long to tear into everything once they got started.

They had to show me everything they got.
Ryder and his tools.

Rylee & Reganne with the Ear Pots (MP3 Players)
When we asked Reganne what she wanted for Christmas she promptly told us an Ear Pot with Ear Bugs to hear music on. Rylee had to translate that she wanted an IPod. When I asked Reganne to explain to me what exactly she wanted. This is what she said...Mom, I don't want and Ipod because you would have to go to the doctors and have him put them in your eyes. I want an Ear Pot with ear bugs to go in my ear pot (I never thought that about it that your ears had pots, but if you think about it. It is does make sense.)

The Waters Family Christmas 2010.

Santa's Surprise Present.....Wiggle Carts.

We told them to ask Santa to bring them a surprise just for them. Wow !! did he succeed. They love them.
Merry Christmas!!!

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