Sunday, April 2, 2023

Working on Those Hours

Every afternoon around 4:40 we head towards the SHAC swimming pool.  Every unless there is a change which happens a little more than I like.  Ryder is in the drivers seat and I'm in the passengers seat trying to remain calm.  It's not that he is a bad driver instead it's all the crazy people that are headed who knows where.  I am going to assume that they are headed home and they have checked out for the day. I try to find distractions so as to not be a horrible backseat driver. Today is a weird weather day. I had to take a picture of Pine Valley Mountain covered in crazy clouds.

Amazing clouds

Heading North on Dixie Drive 
It started to rain.
Wait a minute it's white.

What is this white slushy stuff?
I can't see!! What should I do?
Slow down and pay attention
It was sticking to the road.

It must have been a quick cloud burst of the white stuff.  4 blocks later it was only raining. We made it to the pool in one piece.  Time to head towards home. I was ready for whatever was going to be flying. Nothing!! That's right the roads were wet but no rain, snow, or even slush. As I pulled into the neighborhood nothing was even wet. We survived Ryder's first weather event. I am worried that at some point he will freak out and close his eyes while driving. Hopefully, with more experience it won't cause him to freak out.  In the mean time I need a whole lot of patience.

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