Wednesday, April 12, 2023


That is called Christmas is in full swing.  Parties, decorating, shopping, and swimming all require attention. Is there enough time each day to accomplish everything that needs to be done. Fasten your seatbelts as I give you a glimpse of the week.

Cute Christmas outfit
Catching Rylee before she & Ruston head out of another party with friends.

Santa's sleigh
Early presents?
No, bills, junk mail, and possibly gifts.
I thought it was perfect place for everyone to pick up their mail.

Christmas baking
This week snack mix and microwave caramels.

Caramels melted 
Not sure what I did wrong but they didn't setup at all.
Try again? Maybe

It's beginning to look like Christmas!
In Springville!!
We love grandma sharing pictures.
Thank goodness we live here and don't have to shovel it.

Another meet?
It's the weekend to it's a must.

Another meet 
This time at the college.
Merry Christmas swimmers! Free swim
Everyone can jump off the dive plat form.
It was loud during the meet the noise level doubled.

Mailbox Key
Missing for the past month. I searched every way possible.
Then paid to have the box rekeyed.
BAM!! it was in my jacket pocket that I usually wear to the high school meets.
Now, it's a funny reminder that all things lost are eventually found again.

Merry Christmas Grandma!!
What to give grandma for Christmas that doesn't required dusting, finding the perfect spot to display, or even trying to eat?
Gentri Christmas Concert Tickets!!
It was an awesome show and worth every penny. The best part was seeing the smile on her face. Experiences are turning out to be the best gifts of all.
This could become a family tradition.

Gingerbread Houses
Swim kids having a competition who could build the best.
Not sure who won, but they had a whole of fun.

Are you tired yet? I am!! and still a week away from the final event. What's your secret to staying sane at this time of year?

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