Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Christmas Break

How is it possible to have as many crazy activities during the downtime of Christmas break. Well we did for sure.

Christmas Scones
Maybe a day late but still just as yummy.

Reganne & I went shopping
for scrubs for her internship next week.
I begged her to stop and try Zeppe's Hot Chocolate Peppermint Cookies
She also tried a slushy with ice cream.
Verdict? 2 thumbs up!!

Love the clouds
Maybe another storm is on it's way.

First time ever!!

They look cold
Snowboarded, played in the snow and got the truck stuck.
It was a successful day.

Sunny Florida
The MacPhersons along with grandma
Headed on a cruise. Meeting up with Bryan & Becca
I'm a little jealous that they have good weather.

Recycling cardboard
We would have filled our garbage cans twice with all the cardboard we had.
Dave had shared that there was someplace to recycle it. He wasn't to happy with me when I demanded we take it there than fill our cans.
I wish recycling was easier and cheeper.

It's a bird, it's a plane, Nope
it's a drone. Ruston has a new toy to play with.

I love the adventures that everyone was able to have this week.  Maybe this is an indication of what the new year will be like.

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