Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Reganne & Friends

Reganne along with her group of friends decided they weren't going to miss out on the fun activities for Homecoming this year.  They were going to plan their own Homecoming Adventures and not wait for the boys.  One had a hotel room reserved for a family activity for the whole weekend.  The girls all had a large slumber party in a small hotel room.  Not much sleep off course.  Reganne begged Dave to use the Hummer to drive everyone. 

Getting ready
You could hear the giggles coming from the small bathroom 
as they got ready to party.

They look amazing!!

They went to the dance and went for snacks at Sonic.  Working there has it's perks of snacks & drinks for very little money.  The girls invited one of their friends from work to come with them to the dance.  They found out what had to be done for her to attend since she isn't a student at DHHS.  They patiently got all the paperwork signed by each girl, parent, administrator from both schools. 

 I love how inclusive they are with each other and how much fun they always seem to have together.


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