Sunday, December 20, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving

We are having a quiet Thanksgiving this year.  Every where we turn the messages are clear to stay home and stay safe.  However, the other message is that most people are getting the virus at home so why would we do that as well.

Dave & Ryder made a big breakfast which was a great way to start the morning off.  Time to start the rolls, turkey, and stuffing.   Dinner was at 3:00 we still had time to start a new family tradition. 

A family drive
Rylee & her friend Daniel in the Corvette.

Reganne, Dave, Ryder, and I
In the Nova

First time driving the Nova.
She did a great job following Dave's instructions.

Stopping for drinks
@ Maverick.

Reverse the order of the cars.

Dinner Time!!
Ryder is starving.  I can't seem to fill the boy up.

No hot dogs this year for Reganne.
She made one of her awesome sandwiches.

All that is left to do is
clean up.
Oh how quickly everyone disappears.

Everyone enjoyed the food and even went back for seconds.  Rylee's friend Daniel really enjoyed the home cooked food.  We were glad to have him spend the afternoon with us when he is away from family.  We will be keeping the family drive tradition it was a nice break getting away from the kitchen. 

Let the holiday season continue with Black Friday and decorating for Christmas.  Let's hope we all survive this long weekend of family togetherness.

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