Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Final Count Down

2 days to the general elections!!  Will it be the end of the world with riots and destructions.  Or will it be peaceful and calm?  We will only know when the last ballot is counted and depending on who you are listening to that could be days, weeks, or even months.  Dave had the Hummer gassed up and decorated for the Southern Utah Trump Train.  It was a beautiful afternoon to be outside people watching along with a little social distancing.

The crowds were gathering.
From semi trucks, large trucks, old cars, and off road vehicles.

Dave & Friends
He invited his work crew to join in.

Halloween isn't quite over with.
George Washington & Friends
entertaining the group.

They called everyone together as close as 6 feet will allow.  Someone offered a word of prayer
before starting out.  I stood in amazement as everyone quieted down and folded their arms.

Beautiful scenery
as we drove down River Road towards Hurricane.

Amazing turn out!!

The drive was peaceful and everyone was very friendly.  Other cars pulled in and out of the train some were friendly waving back others just shook their heads.  Each individual has a chose to make and has the privilege to express themselves.  My wish is that everyone is allowed to have express the opinion freely without fear of reprisal.

Our ballets are on their way to get counted.  My only hope is that the process proceeds honestly & legally.  Time will only tell the story of what this election's outcome.

Everyone stay safe & healthy.


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