Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Summer Small Town Tour...Brian Head

It's another hot weekend and we needed an escape.  We headed off towards Brian Head for their annual car show.
We brought our masks.
Let's check out the cars.

Let's try the ski lift.
It was busy but not crazy and they also
lowered price.
We headed off and up.

A little rocky start.
I was a little eager and jumped on early.
This frustrated Dave & Ryder both that I couldn't follow directions.
However, in my defense I was concentrating on not falling that I jumped way to early.

We made it to the top.

What a view!!!
Also the wind was also in our faces 
and quickly cooling down.

Love these faces
Dave trying to hold still.  Ryder wiggling around
trying catch the view from all directions.
I was starting to want a jacket.

Selfie time
I needed a jacket desperatley.

Nearing the end of the ride.
It looks to peaceful and a whole lot. warmer.

Back on the ground and
checking out the show again.

Headed home
with the top down.

It was a beautiful drive down the canyon.  The top was down and it was about 75 degrees.  As we got closer to St George it really started heating up towards 105 degrees.  I am loving these little adventures.  Enjoying the time together and not being cooped up at home.

Where will we go next?

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