Wednesday, August 19, 2020

It Bit the Dust..

Afternoons are a busy time.  Ryder has swim from 4-6 every day which means right after work I am in the van dropping him off and running errands.  This Tuesday wasn't any different.  The van needed an oil change and then filling up the gas tank.  First stop Walmart but their auto shop is still closed.  Second place Jiffy Lube and as I pull out into traffic I hear an awful noise.  The only thing I can do is turn the wheel towards the center median and stop.  I had a sinking feeling that this was another transmission problem.  Called Dave, Julie, and Rylee for help and reroute my plans for the afternoon

Loading it up

Unloading it
Ryder was proud to be able to drive it off the trailer.

Sparkers & Poppers
to celebrate the 24th of July.
Ryder was the only one home with us to party.
Staheli Farms throwing a great party.
Everyone loves princesses.

Saying Goodbye...
Official diagnosis the transmission fell apart again.
The cost to fix it was double what the whole van is worth.
Off to the salvage yard.

Will this work for mask making??
We are on the hunt for cool mask material.
If these are needed to get through this crazy stuff then 
let's have fun with them.

Ryder is back in the kitchen.
This was my lunch courtesy of Ryder.
He called him looking for steak to cook for breakfast.
He is starving.
I love his creativity however his single mindedness can make me crazy.

It has been an exhausting week with all the politics swirling around us.  Ryder informed me that he needs 14 masks to start school.  That way he always has a weeks worth available to use.  We are going to be busy learning out to make them.  It is becoming the new fashion statement.

2 weeks until school starts.  The finish line is in sight can everyone make until then?


Unknown said...

I love your posts!! Good luck surviving all this madness 🤪

Unknown said...

This is Becki🤪