Sunday, August 9, 2020

It's Hot Outside

The temps are raising daily and not rain in sight.  However, the wind is blowing and not a cool breeze.  Instead it feels like someone turned on a hair dryer and left it on.  Once again everyone is staying inside trying to stay cool.  Scientists & politicians are asking the question of why the spikes.  Well I can't say much about the world in general.  Here in Southern Utah we are all inside breathing the same air and sharing germs.  It's bound to be higher over the next couple of weeks.

Rylee shared hers & Ben's adventure to an Alpaca farm in Hurricane.

These look like cows to me.

How cute they are.

Babies are even cuter

It's hot and now we have
multiple fires that are way to 
close for comfort.
We are on our weekly drive to
get Reganne more hours.

Trying to figure out to use
YouTube TV.
Need newer equipment to run it on.
Thanks to SkyWest for my Apple TV
20th Anniversary Gift.

Another dinner date!!
I am not sure whether they are enjoying their food
or not?

Decontaminating the boat.
Much easier than expected.
Not sure why all the negative press on this issue.
We are not good to go out another weekend.

Baking again!!!
Loved this recipe from Amber's Kitchen.
One pan and it was gone by Tuesday.

Not sure what else
they do except eat.  They were
excited to have a picnic.

It was a crazy week with our AC going out and discovering it after getting home from work.  To late to call anyone until the next day.  Lucky for us we have fans and a small window unit to try and keep at least our room to under 80.  Snow Canyon Heating & AC were able to come the next afternoon and recharge it.  We are back in the cooler temps inside.  However, the bad news is it most likely will need to be replaced in another year or two if we are lucky. 

Everyone stay cool, healthy, and strong.

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