Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The Big 12!!!

It's Ryder's birthday!!! He is 12 years old and is ready to conquer the world.  It is getting harder each year to find enough time in one day to celebrate with everyone.  This is his celebration week.  We started the day off with a quick snuggle and happy birthday song before getting ready for school.  He rode off on his bike hoping for a great day.  He had a great day with a lot of birthday wishes from friends & teachers.  He did request that he skip swim and we hang out together.

Costa Vida for dinner.
He makes a great dinner date.

Time for presents.
Amazon does a great gift wrapping job.

Got just what he wanted.
A FitBit Acer 2 w/ extra bands.
Of course he added them to my cart.
Saturday, was time for more celebrating with lunch at Pancho & Lefty's not so much for the yummy food but for the even yummier fried ice cream.

Everyone together!!!
We are missing Julie & Jacy.

Love the hat
and yummy fried ice cream with lot's of
whip cream.
Another present...
He was sure he knew what it was.
Then he started second guessing himself.
Yes, it's an external hard drive for your games.
He begged for more family time.  It was off to Fiesta Fun for some miniature golf.  There were 8 of us playing which could have been really long.  Instead we kept it interesting by not waiting for everyone before moving in.  Soon we were separated into 2 groups and yelling back and for our scores.

One group...Sort of

Dave & Reganne
goofing around and laughing at each other.
Trying to keep the other one from completing.

The final hole.
The last group needing cheering on
or snickering at us.  I am not sure.
Surprise!!!! Saturday was so busy there wasn't enough time to cake & ice cream.  However, Dave & Ryder went for a drive to check out a car show in Mesquite.  I decided to make him a big cookie instead and have it ready for him when they got back.

Looks pretty good.
A lot of chocolate w/ 12 candles.

Stop laughing and blow
Please don't spit!!!

One more try
It took 3 more tries before getting all
12 out.
No birthday wish this year.
It was a good change to have a cookie.  However, he informed me that my recipe doesn't match up to his friend's mom's recipe.  Please text her and try again.  

We hope that he had a fun week with all the different ways of celebrating separately or together.  The one thing for sure is he is growing up way to fast.  Next year he will be a teenager.  My hair will definitely be white.

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