Wednesday, October 16, 2019

CSC Pumpkin Invite 2019

It's been a month since the last swim meet.  We have been invited to travel to Cedar City for their Pumpkin Invite.  It's also Reganne's birthday, General Conference, and the St George Marathon.  Ryder decided one day was enough for him.  Friday afternoon we headed off to Cedar City with plenty of time to kill.  What we didn't count on was hitting the four way stop in Washington which was backed up.  We were now running late and Ryder started to stress.

We made it with 5 minutes to spare before warm ups.  The pool started churning and the kids started swimming.  The officials all gathered to get credentials checked and deck assignments.  The heat sheets were finally printed and handed out.  One minor problem Ryder's name was no where to be found.  Luckily I was still at the computer table and they quickly tried to resolve the issue and entered him into 3 out of the 4 events.  

However, there was a larger problem only 6 kids on our team were actually assigned to swim.  The other 15 were not listed.  Confusion & Craziness started as they tried to resolve the problems.  The head referee for the meet stepped into mix and declared that the meet would start on time.  All swimmers that were not listed on the heat sheet would not be allowed to compete tonight.  Here we are with 15 kids + parents that had traveled from St George and couldn't swim. 

Before the craziness!!!

200 Freestyle
coming in for a turn.

Flip turn for 200 IM

Keeping up his pacing.

2 pumpkins = 2 first place finishes
in his heats.
Ryder worked hard and finished strong.  He won 2 pumpkins for his 2 first place finishes in his heats.  This is the first time winning the pumpkins the 2 previous years he came in 3rd or 4th place.  I am proud of him for being so positive and kind to others during all the craziness going on around him.

We have been waiting for the official results but they still haven't been posted I believe due to the craziness.

Here is what we have from the results board.

Event #1 Mixed Open 200 Y Freestyle  2:43.10
Event #5 Mixed Open 200 Y IM 3:09.95
Event #10 Mixed 12 and Under 100 Y IM 1:32.06

The next meet is at the end of the month.  I am excited to see his progress.

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