Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Float Building 101

The royalty had a new project that needed to get started.  They needed a float for the Washington County Fair Parade and 10 days to build it.  We provided the trailer and driveway for construction.  The girls had the idea and the labor and Jen provided the supplies.  

Time to get started....  8:00 pm and it's still over 100 degrees.


Thank goodness for
bright headlights.

And flashlights

Ryder & Dave
helping with tools and advice.
Day 2...

For once the heat was good in drying the rocks.


Everyone is sweaty
The petal paper started to shrink
in the heat.
D Day..... It didn't rain last night thank goodness.  Time to head to the parade and for the final touches.
Time to head
across town.
The tail lights weren't really working so I was going to try and follow it over.  However, my passengers weren't ready to leave yet.  We met back up at the college parking lot.  Now the trick was finding everyone else. 

We all learned the basics of float building.  I am not sure when we will need this knowledge again but it's fun to say we all tried our best.  Let the crazy fair week get underway.

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