Sunday, May 26, 2019

The Morning After

The adrenaline hadn't worn off yet she headed off to the Avengers End Game Movie that started at 11:30.  Would the adrenaline wear off before the end of the movie?  She made it home in one piece by 2:30 and crashed soon afterwards.  

Dave & Ryder cooked up an amazing breakfast of bacon, eggs, and pancakes.  Everyone was starving and ready to talk about last night.  Ryder then demanded that we check out her gift bag, crown, and maybe even take the for a test wear.

My cupcake is smashed

Where did the crown go??

Found it!!!
It wasn't a dream but our new reality.  Let's all relax today and and catch our breathe.  The breathing will become optional once she receives her schedule of appearances & projects for the next year.

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