Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Red Rock Math Circles

 Ryder has been involved with an after school program sponsored by DSU's Math Department.  Wednesday afternoons 5th graders from across the district gathered to learn new ideas about doing math.  He was also lucky to have a couple of boys from our ward participating as well.

The end of the school year also means the end of program.  It was time for a program to celebrate.  Meeting the different teachers.  Hearing from each student on what they like most . The verdict was learning to solve the rubic cubes.   They all received a certificate for completing the program the other awards had been delayed.  They handed out goodie bags instead. 

What did you like best??

High Fives all around.

One last one.
Dinner was now served Panda Express & Hungry Howies Pizza for everyone.  They ended the afternoon with an invitation to come back next school year and continue the adventure.

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