Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Winter Weather

Sunday afternoon the clouds start rolling in and the rain starts.  The weather reports are predicting snow this week.  How right will they be?  We will have to wait and see....

Sunday Night...the rain was slightly white

Good Morning!!!
That is a lot of white.
3 inches to be exact.
The kids weren't excited since it wouldn't be a snow day since there wasn't any school due to it being President's Day.  I was a little freaked out about driving in it.  Once we made it to River Rd and it was just wet.  I felt really stupid not driving myself.  Usually the snow melts as soon as the sun appears.  It wasn't too sunny.

Neither dog was to sure of what to do
with all the white stuff.
There was another storm headed our way and it was supposed to be another doosey.  Wednesday was going to be awful.  The college cancelled their after school program for Ryder due to possible bad roads.  They had just doomed the storm to fizzle out. kept moving the arrival back until is was only showing clouds.  However, by 6:00 it started to rain and quickly turned slushy.  There were still errands to run and kids to pick up.  We all made it home safe and sound.  

Good Morning!!! School was going to be delayed 2 hours. We have another 3 inches of snow.  This time the weather station wasn't responding.  We had to use the old fashioned ruler to get out total. 

Where are my bones

A little snowy.
They did love running around in it this time.  It continued to snow most of the day.   It wasn't until much later that the weather station thawed out and verified another inch of water.  3 inches of water in a week is a lot for the desert.  We are very grateful for all the water.  Instead of hearing about the drought this summer it will be all the flooding.  It seems were are never happy or satisfied.  The good news is next weeks weather reports are telling us that we will be in the 60's.

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