Sunday, March 31, 2019

Road Trip to NAU

Dave & Rylee headed out on a road trip checking out NAU in Flagstaff AZ.  How did this happen?  I am not really sure how she got old enough for this road trip.  They headed out really early way to early for me.  Rylee said way to early for the first day of Spring Break.  

They found a yummy breakfast.
Both quickly told me not so much.
They found the college and the admission office in plenty of time for the tour to start.

Rylee loved the school and the whole college experience.  Then it started to snow.  Her smile dimmed just a little and wished she had brought warmer clothes.  She is now excited for this new adventure to begin.  Me not so much.  I am glad that this is still over a year away.  This way I will have the time to figure out how to slow time down.

They were both really exhausted by the time they got home.  They both had to get rested up before our next road trip as a family.

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