Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The Wheeler & Waters Family Campout

This years campout was 2 weeks earlier than usual due to family reunions, sports, and sold out camp grounds.  We are also trading monsoon season for fire season.  We were up for new adventures. Everything was right on schedule until a stupid person left their campfire unattended while camping in an area not approved for camping or fires.  That unattended fire sparked and started the West Valley Fire.  We waited anxiously for the Forest Service to give the updates that the camp grounds to still be open.  

The camp grounds are open and ready for people.  Blake & Julie headed up earlier due to Dave's work schedule.  They also gave the thumbs up and the all good.  We headed out and make it to camp by 10:00.  We saw the flames in the distance glowing bright orange.  They were still far enough away that you couldn't smell any smoke.  Time to get our part of camp setup.

Ryder's one man tent
He and Dacoda went to work and had is smaller tent setup and ready to be occupied.  We all had bets on how long he would last.  30 minutes to and hour.  We all lost on that one.  He made it all night and even survived the visits from our visitors... SKUNKS!!!

Saturday morning arrives a little chilly but beautiful.  Ryder was up early and letting everyone know that the skunks game for a visit to our garbage.  No one got hurt or sprayed.

It was time play with his car that he remembered to bring this year.

Doing Doughnuts in the pine needles

Man on a mission or in charge!!

Salt Gun killing bugs!!!

Hammick Setup

Julie & Dacoda
Relaxing together

Love this view

Hiking to smelly pines
Butterscotch again this year.

New entertainment!!!
Helicopters with water buckets
The fire fighters started really really slow but as the day progressed the trips became more frequent.  It was fascinating to watch them scoop up the water and fly away towards the fire.

This is always a must during the heat of the day.

Skipping over the rock path.
The fire crews were relocating to another water source to the trails were opened for the boys to explore.  If only they don't get to crazy and hurt themselves.

The camp host delivered some great news.  The fire restrictions were being lifted to small fires in the fire pits only.  YEAH!! We can have our fire and enjoy our peeps.

Who gave this man a hatchet??

He did a great job with the wood.
Our Eagle Scout helped build a great fire.
Team work brings amazing results.

Yummy & Gooey Peeps
Love this tradition.
Night fell and the stars were out in full force.  It was time to dowse the fire and head to bed.  Ryder was back in his tent zipped up and settled in for the night.  

Sunday morning arrived to the smell of campfire and a very smokey valley.  It was time to pack up and head home.

Smokey valley
Another camp out is history.  It was great to relax, eat junk food, play games, and just have with each other.  We need to plan another trip before summer ends.

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