Tuesday, July 31, 2018

A Beautiful Morning..

At the lake.  Everyone was eager to play and enjoy the sunshine.  The sun was shining and not a lot of boats were on the water yet.

First up was Ryder on the knee boardl

He quickly popped up.
He was soon trying to do little tricks.

Is the water warmer than Granby?
Ryder jumped in to prove it's not to cold.

Rylee's turn next
She also popped right up.
Their arms were tired and were ready for the new tube Dad brought today.  Let's give it a try.

Falling off provides a bit of a problem.
How do you get back on?

My turn.
Not as bad as the single tube.
Hate this life jacket. I can't raise my head
any further that this.


All 3 having fun and
not fighting.
It was a great morning.  The the fresh air and exercise even though we all felt it the next morning.

Time to head home, clean up, and have our family lunch.  The kids begged for Olive Garden.  We soon filled up on salad & breadsticks before our food even arrived.  We have lunch for later as well.  Movie time "Rampage" with all the large animals.  It turned out to be pretty good and full of craziness.  We were full of popcorn, pasta, and bread sticks.  I think more exercise this week will be in order.  This is exactly what we all needed after our last crazy weekend.

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