Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Summer Weekend Fun

Dave has been working on the boat the last couple of weeks.  It was now time to take it for a test drive.  Saturday morning was going to be perfect to give it a good test and have a little fun in the process.
All aboard

Camera shy
First out of the boat
and ready to give it a try.

Taking a break
and enjoy the cold water

He is up!!!
Now it's time to try doing tricks.

Rylee was next up
She got right up and had a few good runs.
However, her hands were still sore from gymnastics.
Time to take a break.

Tube Time!!!
Dave brought only the 1 person tube.
Once again Ryder was first up and out into the water.  He was full of smiles and many hand gestures.  The main was going faster.  He was tired and I was next up.

Hanging on for my life.
My memories were right on target.  I truly don't like the single tube.  The five minute ride was all I could stand before I gestured to stop.  Maybe the next time will be better.

Teach me to drive!!!
Ryder getting a lesson in driving.

If Ryder can learn to drive then
so can I  Demanded Reganne.

Rylee wanted to catch a few rays.
Maybe a quick nap as well.

Lake Selfies
We had a great morning and the boat had a great test run.  The water was getting choppy and everyone was ready to head home.  It was time for lunch and a movie.  We had hoped for The Incredible's  2  but the good seats were sold out.  Instead we chose Ocean's 8 which was pretty good but not one I would see a second time.

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